The Art of Simulating Particle-Laden Flows 


---- import { Application } from '@splinetool/runtime'; const canvas = document.getElementById('canvas3d'); const app = new Application(canvas); app.load(''); --- document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() { // Check if the user has accepted the cookie if (!localStorage.getItem("cookieAccepted")) { // If not, show the cookie popup showCookiePopup(); } // Add click event listener to the "Got it!" button document.getElementById("accept-cookie").addEventListener("click", function() { // Set a flag in localStorage to indicate that the user has accepted the cookie localStorage.setItem("cookieAccepted", true); // Hide the cookie popup hideCookiePopup(); }); }); function showCookiePopup() { // Display the cookie popup document.getElementById("cookie-popup").style.display = "block"; } function hideCookiePopup() { // Hide the cookie popup document.getElementById("cookie-popup").style.display = "none"; }